Friday, September 22, 2006


Fort of Murud-Janjeera - Maharashtra, India

When do you know its time to sail; when a distant shore beckons you?...when the sea is calm and the winds are smooth?....when you have moored at a harbor long enough?...or when there are omens around that say 'its-now-or-never'....


Kedar said...

japat kinara sheed sodane namazoor..
an varyachi vaat pahane namanzoor.
Mi tharavavi disha vahatya waryachi..
yeil tya lateywer duLane namanzoor!

Mridula said...

Do I have the option 'all the above?'

Anonymous said...

loved this one, which place is this ?

Akira said...

@direkishore: This is the sea-fort of Murud-Janjeera, in coastal Maharashtra