Trina was on her way to work and had paused at the 4-way stop, when she first saw him.
“Why do I see him everyday??” Maybe it is a sign, her infatuated mind answered.
He was her inspiration to get up every morning and make the long commute to work. He never seemed to notice her, always looking straight ahead from his black Chevy. Was that because he was married? “Oh c’mmon Trin. That’s not a sure sign of matrimony. Maybe he is just a well behaved lad.” Trina told herself. She imagined he was tall from the brief glimpses at the stop sign. She couldn’t guess his age. But obviously he looked young and did it matter?? – He looked good. She practiced her smile as she pulled out of her driveway each day and rehearsed her lines just in case this moved to more than peeks at the stop sign.
It was Valentine’s Day and she was in a genial mood as she left home for work. Maybe today would be the day, she secretly hoped….maybe destiny had saved everything for this special day, she reasoned.
Something glinted as sunrays caught his fingers…...Blues music is Trina’s new found love and it is what drives her to work everyday now….
I didn't get the ending in first reading and I had to read it again to understand... you mean, she (Trina) was hallucinating/imagining the blues music as the handsome guy outisde? I hope I understood it right...
Noo...I guess my bad...
Ok, here it is...Trina's crush was taken(glint = sparkle of the engagement/wedding ring)
ahh ok - makes sense now; it's my bad (understanding of) english .... :(
Lol :) good one. It pays to observe ( or may be it doesnt ;) )
Ahem ahem..if a guy doesnt notice a gal he is well behaved....interesting....the ending is cool... LOL..
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