Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Friday Harbor, WA

रहने दे आसमान, जमीन की तलाश कर..
सब कुछ यहीं हैं, ना कहीं और तलाश कर...
हर आरझू पूरी हो, तो जीने का क्या मझा....
जीने के लिए बस एक वजह की तलाश कर...

The idea in the couplet is sort of stated here.


Mridula said...

Lovely, lovely words Akira, and I rarely praise words before the picture. And loved the picture too, particularly the flowers.

Akira said...


Thank you :)...however I am nt the Shayar there...rcvd the couplet in an email...thought it deserved to be shared....

direkishore said...

wah, lovely words!