Sunday, November 12, 2006


Nooksack Falls, WA

Unfortunately I do not know much about sunscreen...but, I have learnt, albeit the hard way that, money is like the water coming down this waterfall....hard to keep track of when you have it coming in, easy to let go unnoticed when you are not in need....worse still, you realise its value when its gone and often that is exactly when you need it the most....and so you better keep an eye on where its coming from and where its going...'coz you never know when you'll need it....... :) be careful w/ your money pals.....
If that did not seem like interesting advice watch this......Wear Sunscreen


Traveler said...

Wow nice pic and apt metaphor. Which camera do you use? I couldn't relate the sunscreen with the fall and money. Cool keep it up.

Akira said...

Thank you traveler.

I use a canon powershot A85.

Since one of the themes of this post is advice, I put the suncreen video is a track that I like a far as the title..well just wanted it to be catchy...

Traveler said...

Oh ok thanks. That explains and good video.